Thursday, 6 February 2014


On November 9 1989 the Berlin Wall, the great symbol of the Cold War and Communism came crashing down. The international fanfare was huge. The great tyrannical communist experiment was over! Long live the free world!

For decades this great death struggle between Western democracy and Communism had raged both militarily, politically and ideologically and the collapse of the Wall appeared to be the final bell that awarded victory to democracy and defeat to Marxist-Leninist Communism.

Since that time  we've seen Russia and other formerly communist nations change drastically both economically and socially and it would appear that they have come more and more into line  with the internationally accepted concept of democracy. 

But has Western democracy really won? On the political surface it appears that way. Yet close observation reveals a subversive shift that challenges that victory. Close observation and analysis reveals a clear ideological reversal between formerly Communist nations and those nations classically termed the "West". What might be called a geo-ideological shift.

Communist nations that once espoused Marxist anti-Christian (anti "bourgeois family") amorality have amazingly turned to solid, proven Christian based morals and values, having experienced the phenomenal damage the removal of such values has wrought upon their societies. 

Hungary, for example, was arguably the most extreme and insidious of the Communist nations during the 1950s but has recently become the last formerly Communist nation to put in place a new Constitution. Remarkably it now has one of the most clearly defined Christian traditional values Constitutions in the world! As the saying goes "Once bitten, twice shy!" They have seen the results of the removal of moral boundaries and experience has taught them a hard lesson. It has been said that "a man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with a good argument". Likewise with nations. Our Western nations, that are only just beginning to recognise the deep sociological ramifications of rejecting our foundational Christian values, are brimming with academics, comedians and media personalities full of arguments, reasonings and clever quips of why we should continue to remove moral boundaries. Yet those nations who have tasted the bitter fruits of doing so are not at the mercy of their arguments.

There is a lot of pressure on President Putin of Russia, for instance, from nations with a strong "human rights argument" to change Russia's stand on the promotion of homosexuality to minors. It is now reported that there will be nineteen pre Olympic protests in major cities around the world by gay activists to try to get Russia to change its mind about homosexual recruitment material being distributed to minors. Russia has legislated to protect children's psychosexual development by limiting the distribution of materials promoting homosexuality to minors and this is clearly abhorrent to the "progressive" post modern Western media and academia. Yet this is just sensible parenting 101! Basic stuff. Good parents seek to protect children from influences that could create confusion, confliction or damage during their vulnerable and formative years. 

How things have changed. The fascinating anomaly is that though there is still a clear divide between Russia and the West, there is now a total  role reversal in that divide on moral issues. The 20th century Cold War has turned to become the  21st century Culture War -Western degeneracy against Russia's new and sensible boundaries.

A glimpse back into the 1950's shows us a western world with strong moral standards, strong families and the greatest of concerns  about Marxist Leninist thought and the horrendous fruit that it had born worldwide, particularly in the great "Bear" of the USSR and in Maoist China. 

In today's western world we have perpetually eroding moral values, a huge rate of divorce, fatherlessness and perversion and little understanding of the dangers of Marxist thought.
Many in 50s and 60s  understood Marxist-Leninism and its dangers, however since the removal of the imminent and observable threat, with the collapse of the Cold War, the end of the USSR and the lessening of tyranny in China, this understanding has become rare in our generation.

So what was Marxist-Leninism and should we be concerned about it today? Put simply, "Marxism is the doctrine of the universality of class warfare, and Leninism is the doctrine  of the historic role of the Communist Party to consummate the universal class war in world Communist victory. The basic doctrine of Marxist-Leninism is that a state of war exists and that the Communist Party has been created to win this war."  (Dr. Fred Schwartz)

Our current reality is that, though the "Leninist war" element has failed, the "Marxism" element very much remains and a new "war" element has emerged in what can be termed  "Marxist-Progressivism" or "social Marxism".
The "Marxist-Progressives" still see themselves as at war, just as the Communists did, but against a different enemy. Marx's "class warfare" concepts, that appeal to an underdog class, have been joined with his anti-theist thinking for the abolition of religion to form "social Marxism" that sees those who stand firm on moral boundaries as the oppressor class and those restricted by those boundaries as the oppressed class. Consequently now both the battlefield and the war tactics have changed and morphed to specifically infiltrate and destroy the moral foundations of nations throughout the Western world. 

The great irony is that the two old enemies have completely changed sides. This can be seen through the continual twisted portrayal of Putin's stand on the promotion of homosexuality to children by the Australian and British Broadcasting Commissions.  

Homosexuals and lesbians have, to a large extent, become the pawns in this "Marxist-progressive" war as the oppressed class or underdogs continually portrayed as such by media to both illicit sympathy and build a platform of moral high ground that creates a self righteousness in all those who fight for their cause.

The same sex marriage issue and the issue of the promotion of homosexuality to children is, without doubt, the clearest frontline issue or nexus of the battle between "Marxist-progressive" thought and Christian thought in the world today.

The question becomes, where will this  geo-ideological shift lead us. Without doubt it will lead to the ultimate decline and destruction of the Western nations both socially and economically and the rise of those nations who have learned their lesson and who will embrace the proven fruit of Christian foundations. In the end, if Putin sticks to his convictions and the prudence he has so far shown on this issue, he and Russia will be proven right.

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